About us

Our tobacco production makes approximately 30% of total tobacco output in Croatia. Tobacco as a plant crop of a wide scope of production organized by Agroduhan d.o.o enjoys comparative advantages of favourable climate and soil, thus giving high crop yield per area unit, as well as high quality which is recognized and competitive at the world market.

The production of tobacco has been organized on the land owned and/or leased by approximately 400 agricultural producers - farm-holders on the average of 1.600 ha of surface area. They control the optimal drought capacities proportionate to the crop yield, and are qualified for all stages of production and implementation of production measures upon which the yield and quality of tobacco leaves depend, under professional supervision by the technical service unit of Agroduhan d.o.o. We have been managing a production on 85 ha of our own land in Nova Šarovka village.

In the tobacco cultivation Agroduhan d.o.o. utilizes sorts according to the world market demands. Cultivation of seedlings, due to the environment preservation and upgrading of the quality of tobacco leaf, is being done using the hydroponics without the use of Methyl-bromide.

Agroduhan d.o.o. meets all conditions prescribed by law for performing the processing activities and is recorded with the Register of tobacco cultivators with the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water economy of Republic of Croatia.

In 1993, the climax has been reached in the industrial course of processing, packing and preparation of tobacco for sale at domestic and world market by putting into operation of the new plant for tobacco threshing. The value of that particular equipment amounts to $5.000, 000, and it ensures the implementation of the new programme's higher level of tobacco processing which is known world-wide. The installed capacities of the plant for tobacco processing are sufficient for approximately 5.000 tons of the annual production of processed tobacco.

In spite of the great supply of tobacco sort FCV Virginia at the extremely competitive world market, Agroduhan d.o.o. can parry other world manufacturers and reach more rigorous standards in manipulating, preserving and packing of processed tobacco, because of its comparative stability of supply quantity and quality over longer period of time. In addition, we are also capable of making blends with precisely specified proportions of individual components according to the needs and request of distinguished purchasers.

Upon completion of the processing, tobacco is being preserved in proper combination shelves inside the warehouses the capacity of 3.000 tons of merchandise packed in standard cardboard boxes C-48, net weight of 200 kg, out of which approximately 2.400 tons of tobacco processed is in the strips, around 500 tons in the long stem and around 100 tons of tobacco waste products in the form of short stems and petty merchandise.